Hello Dear Friend,
As the Vernal Equinox begins its movement in and with the pending descending energies of winter on its back, I share with you a very important and exciting message:
At the end of this month I will be headed to Egypt on a pilgrimage. Like many of you, my fascination with Egypt began as a young child and continues to this day. My office for the past twenty years has had an Egyptian motif, where I have complied many books and artistic representations that have sat, awaiting my availability for them, on my bookshelf. Now is that time...
I dove into all things Egypt in August and read every book I had, plus several more. And while I amassed an incredible amount of Kemetic knowledge, I found myself drawn to a particular subject, and a calling. Without going into the whole long story (maybe a book for another time), I will share that I have always found myself called to the aspect of death and dying. Unlike many people, I do not find the subject morbid, but, in a way, comforting. When I enrolled in seminary school, it was with the intention of becoming a hospital chaplain, assisting others in last rites and rites of clear passage to what lies beyond. As I watch more friends handling aging parents and witness more people leaving the planet, I feel that an honoring of this passage and assisting people during the final stages of life in leaving with honor and grace and, even more so, without a heaviness in their hearts, is something that is clearly lacking in our world. And yet, this feels very necessary to me.
As you know, I have been doing work in Peru with folks around the world in ushering in a New Earth/New Reality. For me, this piece about death and dying is intricately connected. For how can we fully bring in the new before we honor what is dying out? Isn't death but a vehicle for energy before it transforms into something else?
I feel a significant calling to carry with me a prayer bundle through Egypt, a land where the ancients spent considerable energy honoring death and overseeing the dead to safe passage to the Afterlife. As I travel through ancient temples, sacred sites and down the holy Nile, the prayer bundle will move with me, assimilating any knowledge and wisdom, so that what has either already left or is in the process of leaving, can feel free to do so without any burden. The second part to this, is to honor all of the beautiful things that we found through our current reality system of duality, before it leaves our planet entirely.
As a part of my continued community, I would like to offer to you a space in my prayer bundle for whatever you need me to hold for you.
You can email me what you would like for me to put inside and can be of one or more of these items:
The full name and date-of-death of a loved one. This is particularly important for anyone who is still feeling grief and loss over a dearly departed - whether it was yesterday or ten years ago.
A quality, habit or aspect of yourself or your life that your True Self has moved past, and who's time is truly over, yet has not completely released itself from your life.
For those anchoring the New Reality, a reverence piece to duality for something revealed to you while it was our predominant reality system, to hold as a "Thank You" before our final good-byes.
Email any of this to OneYogaCenter@gmail.com by Sept.15th. Please keep it short and to the point, in a sentence or two at the most, as I need to compile it for bundling in a ceremony on the day of the Equinox.

For the first half of September I will continue to offer Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, Thai Yoga Bodywork, Energy Healing and Clearing, and 11:11 Card Readings, at my home healing space in Hamilton, NJ, or another agreed upon location for you. For some of these, we can even work virtually.
After September 15th, I will be moving into creating the space I need to move through Egypt, and then to Peru in October. My next availability for any of the above offerings will be the second week of November! So, if you have been thinking about reaching out, please do not wait, as my schedule is already booking.
Holding space for healing in all of the ways that it continues to reveal itself to me and to the world.
With all my love, Tracey